Contact Us We are located in Oroville, California.
Our mailing address:
P.O. Box 2024 Oroville,
CA 95965
License 862386

If you have or need a well, please give us a call or drop us an email today.
Phone: (530) 533-4944
Fax: (530) 533-6184
Send email.

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Ask Precision Pump Company Here are some of the common questions, concerns, and issues we see daily which are directly related to your health and water quality:
Got Solar?
solar panel pic 1
solar panel pic 3

Got brown water?
Brown Water Picture

Why C-57 licensed?
Burned out well picture

Why Precision Pump Company
Solar Panel Picture

Realtor Services?
Brown Water Picture

PG&E bill go up?
Galvanized Pipe with hole Picture

Galvanized pipes?
Rotten Pipe Picture

bottom corner

Why C-57 licensed? There are many reasons why you should choose a C-57 licensed company to service your well. Here are a few examples of where our clients have benefited from our C-57 license:

Fire or Other Natural Disaster Damaged Wells Sometimes damage is worse than you think and beyond the scope of pump repair. With Precision Pump Company, you do not have to call to have a C-57 driller fix the problem since Precision Pump is a licensed for pumps and C-57 drilling.

Here, our client went through a fire in Concow and the well caved in. This is a photo of us cleaning out the well. Only a C-57 licensed contractor can do this and this is only another reason it is best to have Precision Pump do all your well work!
Fire Damaged Well Picture

Well Abandonments Abandoning a well is sometimes necessary and requires a C-57 licensed contractor. Precision Pump is licensed to do such abandonments.

Here, one of our clients used Precision Pump to abandon this large, old, hand-dug well.
Abandoned Well Picture

Repair Bad Casings and Inner Liners Well casings and inner liners sometimes require attention. Precision Pump can handle all the county permits and take care of everything because Precision Pump is both D-21 and C-57 licensed!

Here, one of our clients used Precision Pump to replace their damaged casing.
Damaged Casing Picture