Contact Us
We are located in Oroville, California.
Our mailing address:
P.O. Box 2024 Oroville,
CA 95965
License 862386
If you have or need a well, please give us a call or drop us an email today.
Phone: (530) 533-4944
Fax: (530) 533-6184
Send email.
Ask Precision Pump Company
Here are some of the common questions, concerns, and issues we see daily which are directly related to your health and water quality:
Got Solar?
Got brown water?
Why C-57 licensed?
Why Precision Pump Company
Realtor Services?
PG&E bill go up?
Galvanized pipes?

Your Licensed Well Water Specialists! Precision Pump has been in the business of installing pumps for more than 25 years and has gained recognition in Northern California as a company that deals directly with its customers.
A full range of well water solutions
- Pump Sales, Installation, Service
- Holding Tank Systems Sales, Installation, Service
- Well Inspections, Certifications
- Well Drilling
- Services
Emergency Services
We provide emergency services to the greater Oroville area, including Feather Falls, Berry Creek, etc.
Click here for emergency services.
Well Inspections
Precision Pump Company has been in business for over 25 years. We are a licensed C-57 Well Drilling
Contractor and D-21 Pump Installation Contractor.
Call us for all of your well inspection needs.
- We thoroughly inspect all equipment to determine if it is in working order.
- We record any and all visible information about the equipment such as brand, size, and date code.
- We test for current GPM (gallons per minute) using the latest sonar equipment.
- We pull water samples and send to a certified laboratory. We generally check for bacteria and nitrates, but can order many additional tests upon request.
- If needed, can research records for information about well at the time it was drilled.
- Reasonable rates.
- Written report provided upon completion of laboratory tests.
- Recommendations provided to keep system in tip top shape.
- Free estimate for any repairs, upgrades that may need to be made.
Safe Drinking Water
Drinking water safety is a real concern. Water may contain contaminants like chlorine and lead.
What are these contaminants and how do they get in water?
Chlorine is used by treatment plants and homeowners to purify the water.
Lead accumulates in pipes and is a residue. The source of lead in drinking water is usually the
plumbing system in a home or building. It usually does not come from a city water supply.
Even low levels of lead can be poisonous. Some people are more at risk such as pregnant women and
children. It is important to flush out lead pipes and/or replace old rusty ones with new. If your
water is stagnant for more than a few days, you are urged to flush out the pipes before using the
water for drinking or cleaning.
Our team Our team understands all aspects of well drilling and pump installation. Our combined expertise and knowledge of pumps and holding tank systems enables us to service all of your well water needs including obtaining permits, repairs, and drilling new wells.
Our trained personnel are qualified to complete projects of any size. Precision Pump Company is your "one stop shop". Hire Precision Pump Company today if you want it done and you want it done right!
Our greatest asset is our ability to satisfy you -- the customer. We will exhaust our knowledge and resources to achieve that goal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to working with you.
A sample of our projects Here is a small sample of some of our recent projects:
- We engineered a 12" hole next to OWID and installed a single phase system capable of pumping 400 GPM free flow, and 75 GPM at 80-lbs. pressure. We also laid out the 2" and 4" pipe lines and installed a fire hydrant for CDF. This system was installed at an Olive ranch for flood irrigation, water supply for cattle, and a high-pressure system for cleaning out and maintaining cattle trucks.
- Installed a line shaft system and a 6" domestic pressurized 3-phase system in one 12" well to accommodate 50 large bird cages, breeding areas, and two homes on a single property.
- On a home system we installed a domestic water well, a 2500-gallon holding tank 600' away from the well, a Grundfos industrial CH8 system, and a sand filtration system. This enables the client to pump directly from the well, gravity feed from the 2500-gallon holding tank, or feed from the tank to the industrial pump with 125 psi to the home and to irrigation.