Contact Us
We are located in Oroville, California.
Our mailing address:
P.O. Box 2024 Oroville,
CA 95965
License 862386
If you have or need a well, please give us a call or drop us an email today.
Phone: (530) 533-4944
Fax: (530) 533-6184
Send email.
Ask Precision Pump Company
Here are some of the common questions, concerns, and issues we see daily which are directly related to your health and water quality:
Got Solar?
Got brown water?
Why C-57 licensed?
Why Precision Pump Company
Realtor Services?
PG&E bill go up?
Galvanized pipes?

Realtor Services At Precision Pump, we do not do the typical well test; we do well inspections. Our inspections include full inspections of all equipment and check for problems in the whole system. Our well inspections include all of the following:
- We thoroughly inspect all equipment to determine if it is in working order
- We record any and all visible information about the equipment such as brand, size, and date code
- We test for current GPM (Gallons Per Minute) using the latest sonar equipment
- We measure pumping level versus static level
- We pull water samples and send to a certified laboratory
- We check for bacteria and nitrites and will order any additional tests upon request
- If needed, we can research records through the county and/or the state for information about your well at the time it was drilled
- We provide a written report upon completion of all laboratory tests
- We provide recommendations to keep your system in tip top shape
- We provide free written estimates for any repairs and upgrades that may need to be made
- We provide Realtors with a full written report on how the well performed
- We provide Realtors with free written bid upon completion of the inspection
- We provide Realtors with easy online ordering here!
Measuring Well Output
Clean Well Failed Testing
Here Precision Pump performed a well inspection on an old well that pumped clean until
the last hour when it started to pump blue hard rock cuttings due to a cave in. This well
had no liner meaning the well has caved in at the bottom.