Contact Us
We are located in Oroville, California.
Our mailing address:
P.O. Box 2024 Oroville,
CA 95965
License 862386
If you have or need a well, please give us a call or drop us an email today.
Phone: (530) 533-4944
Fax: (530) 533-6184
Send email.
Ask Precision Pump Company
Here are some of the common questions, concerns, and issues we see daily which are directly related to your health and water quality:
Got Solar?
Got brown water?
Why C-57 licensed?
Why Precision Pump Company
Realtor Services?
PG&E bill go up?
Galvanized pipes?

Philbrook Job All Solar with generator backup
Left room for extra solar panel in case client wants additional panel to increase volume of water.
High quality aluminum brackets and panels professionally installed.
High quality solar panel roof mounts professionally installed.
Installed 3 x 119 gallon pressure tanks so at night when solar is shut off, they will have approximately 120 gallons of pressurized water without needing generator or battery power.
They also have the option to turn the generator on at night or run off batteries.
More Solar from Your Solar Well Systems Specialists!
Be Careful with Generators!
This is an example of having a generator too close to the well while running. You can see why we needed to replace well seal, conduit, and 6" casing. Make sure your generator is at least 10 feet away from your well or anything else that can burn.